Sep. 21, 2017

Baby steps

Hi there ghost-like internet, freaky person who would be reading and never responding...I call that stalking by the way, which is illegal....but anyway, what comes around goes around. That's what a stalker of mine once said. Ha! Today, my words are solid and true for what I just wrote is nothing but the truth. Have you ever read that book? It's by Avi, with a good looking guy on the front of the cover. That's the reason I wanted to read it. You know, in junior high, silent crushes or thoughts of hey he's kinda cute, go unsaid, but a very real. It's about something where he chooses to not say the Pledge of Allegiance in school and gets in trouble or something. That was the other reason I chose to read it. I mean, like, (junior high talk) a...who wouldn't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance? Well, I suppose if it's your religion or something to not say it. I know those people are out there.

I read a bumper sticker yesterday, where the guy in the truck was professing that he taught his son to stand up for something. Then it continues, "and my son chose to stand up for his country, which makes him even more proud." Well, it was worded better than how I worded it, but you get the drift. I thought that was a pretty cool statement. It takes guts to stand up for something. What do you stand up for? I know what I stand up right to freedom of religion, voice, and such which is very tender to everyone in this world if taken seriously. My voice in the world means more to me than anything. It's a matter of how we use our voice to better society.

If we haven't any voice about something, it's like our name stated out loud is anonymous and vacant. I refuse to live that way. Anyway, enough spouting. Good day to ya!

Oh ya, triathlon, my Ironman steps...What movie?...What about Bob of course. If you haven't seen it, you gotta.

Latest comments

24.07 | 01:59

You are very welcome...I must give credit to the original artists too of course. If it weren't for them, we know there wouldn't be the amazing hymns we all enjoy. Thanks for the sweet comment.

14.07 | 17:39

Thank you sooo much for sharing your beautiful music and PowerPoint Slide Show. You are very talented. It was wonderful connecting with you today!!
Hope we see you again soon,
Jan Boyington

21.07 | 17:21

Thanks Mom, I love you.

08.04 | 19:35

Thanks for your comment Mom. I love you lots, and I haven't heard anything...yet. :)

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