Jul. 20, 2017

Official blog report

I started a blog the last time I made the goal of setting a very challenging goal for myself, and it helped. So, this is the start of it. My success today was biking around town. Who wouldn't after watching 'Gasland?' If you haven't seen it, watch it. You will, I'm sure, think twice before driving your car. I knew it was important to not drive as much, but after seeing this documentary, I now see it more clearly. I'm waiting to hear back from an inquiry I posted on the main documentary website to ask if there has been improvement and also what the outcome was with the Dakota Pipeline. It seems that it is still a problem, which isn't good at all. If you are a reader, and know, let me know please! Let's save our environment. This action among people who have thought they have the right to do this is wrong completely.

As far as my goal of an Ironman, just my bike today, which is okay. I felt good that I made the effort. Now to bed. Nite.

Latest comments

24.07 | 01:59

You are very welcome...I must give credit to the original artists too of course. If it weren't for them, we know there wouldn't be the amazing hymns we all enjoy. Thanks for the sweet comment.

14.07 | 17:39

Thank you sooo much for sharing your beautiful music and PowerPoint Slide Show. You are very talented. It was wonderful connecting with you today!!
Hope we see you again soon,
Jan Boyington

21.07 | 17:21

Thanks Mom, I love you.

08.04 | 19:35

Thanks for your comment Mom. I love you lots, and I haven't heard anything...yet. :)

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