Aug. 24, 2016

Mountain Bike

My bike still wasn't fixed properly. Now it won't shift to the lowest gear automatically without messing with the other gears. Hopefully, I can get it fixed today. My ride yesterday was tops. I went on a run today, half hour, which was rejuvinating. That can't be said for all runs. I work at my other job today, so am limited on time. I just wanted to explore my options on this website. It's fun. Stay tuned to more information. Currently, I'm working on copying music I've composed and recorded. That's priority for me now. I think I'll have a music page too.

It's not always about the boys.

Girls can have fun too.

Latest comments

24.07 | 01:59

You are very welcome...I must give credit to the original artists too of course. If it weren't for them, we know there wouldn't be the amazing hymns we all enjoy. Thanks for the sweet comment.

14.07 | 17:39

Thank you sooo much for sharing your beautiful music and PowerPoint Slide Show. You are very talented. It was wonderful connecting with you today!!
Hope we see you again soon,
Jan Boyington

21.07 | 17:21

Thanks Mom, I love you.

08.04 | 19:35

Thanks for your comment Mom. I love you lots, and I haven't heard anything...yet. :)

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