Aug. 24, 2016


The major, major goal I've decided for this page is to post pictures of completed recipes I've tried. I've always wanted to try new recipes consistently. It's what makes life interesting right? I'm working now at completing a recipe with beans that will be good. I have yet to find something good with beans other than tacos. :) No offense people from South America. I'm not from there, so if any of you know of what tastes good with beans, let me know. This will be a good thing for me to work on as for now.

Latest comments

24.07 | 01:59

You are very welcome...I must give credit to the original artists too of course. If it weren't for them, we know there wouldn't be the amazing hymns we all enjoy. Thanks for the sweet comment.

14.07 | 17:39

Thank you sooo much for sharing your beautiful music and PowerPoint Slide Show. You are very talented. It was wonderful connecting with you today!!
Hope we see you again soon,
Jan Boyington

21.07 | 17:21

Thanks Mom, I love you.

08.04 | 19:35

Thanks for your comment Mom. I love you lots, and I haven't heard anything...yet. :)

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